
Hi, my name is Steven Nye. I was born and raised in Minnesota. I'm a second year Film and Media Arts major.

When I was a really young, my dad let me play around with his camcorder and I loved it. I got more seriously into photography in high school and then decided I liked filmmaking more because of the complexity of the stories you can tell.

One of the major turning points in my life was my Junior year of high school when I traveled on a school trip to Cuba for three weeks. I filmed a short documentary on El Paquete Semanal which I edited once back in the U.S. and submitted to the Scholastic Art and Writing awards and won a national silver medal. This was the first time I realized other people found value in my work and I really enjoyed creating it.

I decided to take a gap year after graduating high school where I primarily worked with a stunt pilot based in Minnesota. He flies in airshows around the U.S. and Canada. I also worked with the University of Minnesota Men's Gymnastics team traveling with them to film their competitions. I feel fortunate for the opportunities I had and the time off from school. Now I feel much more motivated to learn and excel.

For this class, I have some experience using Adobe Creative Cloud, but I'm excited to learn more. I have never used Dreamweaver. Digital media is a genre I believe will become increasingly important, especially in today's world of isolation.

I am really excited for this class! - Steven


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